Saturday, September 12, 2009

Calling all Colorado Springs Costumers...

For any of you in the Colorado Springs area who make costumes, or have always been interested in getting involved with costumed events, this announcement is for you. I would like to start a local Costumers' Circle - a much more casual version of a costuming guild. We would get together at each others' houses once and a while to sew and chat, and we could organize costumed outings and events, such as to the Renaissance Festival, teas, the Madrigal dinner at Glen Eyrie, etc. Contact me at for additional information. Look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Have you had any takers on this post? I'm just getting into costuming and I"m looking for others who do too. I hastily made a costume for Halloween I call my, "Mrs. Bennett'. It is not historically accurate and needs redone for many reasons but it was wearable, done in two days and the kids loved it.
    Please, let me know if you are still doing the guild. Thanks.

  2. I haven't had any takers, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't start up a guild of two! We're bound to find others who are interested. Send me an email at and we'll get together.
