Saturday, October 10, 2009

Civil War Day Dress 2: Viewers Please Weigh In

Hi all,

I'm getting ready to start my next project, and find that I'm slightly stuck on choosing which pattern will go with what fabric. I'm going to make a day dress out of the following fabric:
The question is should I make a simple very period accurate dress from pattern 4551 (I like the lower right hand dress...the sleeves are pretty):
Or make a prettier day dress out of pattern 3727:The hang up is that I was considering using the 3727 pattern for my purple silk from India.
Of course, I could always make up pattern 2887 out of the silk, and that would be pretty too. What do you think? Which pattern is destined to be make up from my pretty homespun purple plaid? Feel free to weigh in on the silk too, but that's a future project.


  1. The homespun would look prettiest and most authentic as the gathered bodice dress. The silk would be stunning for the basque bodice and skirt!!! That's my vote! Happy sewing!

  2. I think if you plan to make one of the two pagoda-sleeved bodices/gowns from the silk, then use the plaid for the more middle-class dress with the gathered bodice. That way you have two totally different costumes, since the two pagoda bodices are relatively the same. That's my vote!

  3. Definitely the homespun with the gathered bodice. I don't like the last pattern at all, so I would do the second for the purple.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I have used the 4551 pattern before in making a day dress for a friend. It turned out quite well, and it's a nice simple pattern that isn't too time consuming, even though it seemed like the cartrige pleating took FOREVER. I think you should definately use the plaid for this one!

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  6. I have to weigh in on the side of the gathered bodice for the plaid. I like the sleeves better on this one. All of our old family portraits I have seen have gathered sleeves. Although I like the silk for the last pattern.
