lIf you want to read about our Halloween events, please visit the
Dave and Melissa blog. I'm mostly just posting pictures of all the little ghouls in their Halloween finery made by yours truly.

little Sophie dressed as a Pea in the Pod...her costume was flannel wool, but she's been bundled up she's the pink pea-in-the-pod. She looks pretty comfortable, wouldn't you say?

Nadia made a great belly dancer! She looks like she'll be able to grow into this costume over the next year as well.

Lilly, my little cheetah, was not having a good night, so this is the best picture I could manage (you can't see, but she's actually sobbing here). I saw her at four different times during the evening, but she just wasn't a happy camper...Halloween was a bit overwhelming.

Lilly's older brother Adam had a fabulous time and really hammed it up for the camera. I really loved making this knight costume!

David and Dave, showing off their matching Jedi costumes. Dave needed a padawan braid to really make this pair costume go over the top, but oh well. There's always next year.