Friday, September 05, 2008

Still Working!

Hey all,

I don't want you to think I've stopped sewing again all of the sudden. I had to take my sewing machine in to be was really overdue. It's supposed to take 'several weeks,' but that's not holding me back! That just means more time to cut out patterns.

First up is a Halloween costume for Calypso. I know, I know, it's waaaay too cutsie and something I thought I would never be doing, but I just couldn't resist the urge. Plus, all the neighborhood puppies are getting costumes (seriously), so I just had to get in on that action.

Here's the costume I'm going to make:
It's already cut out, so I'm just waiting for the return of the sewing machine to sew it up (It's one of those super easy, will probably take me an hour or two projects).

Next, I'm going to cut out the cape that I would like to sell on eBay, and then I need to cut out my new side hoops. I have an event in September (movie release of The Duchess) and in November (a historical ball) that I need the side hoops for. Then, I need to cut out the back rump pad pattern that I purchased from Wingeo patterns. I'm taking a Robe Anglaise course in Williamsburg in November, and I'll need a rump pad instead of side hoops for the later 18th century sillouette.

This weekend is VERY exciting: I'm going down to Williamsburg for an 18th Century Stays workshop. By the end I should a complete, or almost complete, set of new stays that have been properly fitted for me (one of my new friends from the Tuesday night costumer club has very generously agreed to bring her second sewing machine for me to borrow). Wohoo!! I should have pictures for you next week.

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